That casual day at university ...

by - 19:33

You might remember from my last blog post that I’m in the second semester at university studying for my Bachelor in English language and music. 
It’s not like uni is one of the easiest things on earth, actually, it’s quite time consuming and a hell lot of work. 
But I’ve always been that person who tries to make the most and the best out of everything and just because uni’s hard work and some lectures tend to be more than boring, you can still make it appear much easier with the right attitude.

To be honest, most of the time lectures get really boring, it’s basically the fault of the teacher. It’s the same all around the world, doesn’t matter if you’re in High School, Middle School or university. Some teachers just aren’t able to deliver their subject properly, even though it might be kinda interesting. 

I just give you the advice, at least try to pay attention, even though it might be difficult and your brain keeps getting distracted by stuff that seems way more interesting than the topic the teacher’s talking about in front of the class. 
I tell you, you’re gonna need the information and when exam time’s coming you’re just gonna be sitting there asking yourself when the hell the teacher has been talking about that otherwise… and then you’re kinda screwed… xD

In school and uni it’s just important to get your head free sometimes and get rid of all the stuff that bothers you. I always do that by doing sports or just go for a walk in the winter and soon-to-be spring sun or I just meet up with friends to have a proper chat with them or rant about teachers that were driving us mad over the last days. 
That’s just something you need to do to not get completely crazy when you’re surrounded by stuff you’re supposed to get into your head. :P 

Schools and universities are known for being places where loads of people come together in a small space and I always tend to have a look around, observing people and their looks because it’s just incredibly fascinating to watch how varied the people on campus are. You’re actually able to get your inspiration from basically everywhere you look and that’s what I find so special. 

To make tough school and university days better, the right outfit is sometimes beyond helpful besides getting enough sleep and having a proper breakfast. It should be a good mix between comfortable, as you have to sit around for a huge amount of hours per day, but should also represent the way you are because, as I said in the last blog post, fashion is something that shows the outside world who you are and gives them an impression of what kind of person you are. 
Below you can see what I’ve been wearing to a fully packed day of university once. It’s just a combination of really comfy, baggy trousers from Zara, a dotted shirt (from Zara as well ;D) and a leather jacket which I could just take off if the temperature in one of the lecture rooms is just unbearably high, which does happen when there are about 100 people in one room and all their brains are working on high speed. I tell you, learning is harder than sports xD 
I also added a hat I really like a lot, which is from Accessorize, and a really practical but fancy wine red Topshop - bag, which belongs to one of my absolute favorites :) 
Never forget, the right bag is one of the essentials for a successful day at school and university :) 

I know how often people get judged by their looks and seriously, I am judging nothing more than people who talk badly about others because that’s just unnecessary and rude. My motto on that: „Noone needs this kind of negativity in their lives.“ 

So, guys, if some of you have the problem that there are people who are talking about you behind your back, either look for someone who helps you stand up to people like that or just show them that you’re stronger and way more mature than them. Everyone out there is special and unique, all of our opinions matter and there’s absolutely noone who’s worth less than someone else, never forget that. 
Times may be tough and there are days where you just wanna hide in a corner and cry but that’s normal. Don’t let someone else bring you down, especially not because of outfit reasons. Face the world with a smile and I promise you, it’ll smile back at you. 

For those of you who have to wear school uniforms, just try to pimp it up a bit with a nice hair style, braid it or just use cute hair bands to make it look more interesting. 
I think I might do a blog post on different braids as well as I love experimenting with my hair :) 

Universities are a place were you immediately feel so much smarter I know that for sure because the first time I stepped on my campus I felt like a complete genius even though I’m far away of being somewhat like a genius. 
My campus consist of several beautiful, old buildings and sometimes I just like to sit on the grass field in front of them admiring the architecture. I know that sounds cheesy but in connection with a good book, some music or friends that’s just heaven on earth. 

So, uni isn’t just a place where you learn new stuff and are supposed to pay attention 24/7, it’s usually also a place you can enjoy spending your time at. It’s just the way you look at it. You can see so many exciting things there, you just have to pay attention and point out the small, hidden things. 
Same goes for school of course. Try to concentrate on the stuff that makes you feel comfortable in such an unpleasant environment like school. Keep your head high and show the world what you’re made of, outfit and personality wise :) 

Loads of love and hopefully until next time,
MoMo xx 

PS: Btw, leave a comment below and tell me about your best school or university experiences :) Tel me about what you like to wear to school to make you feel comfortable there. :) 

Here you have all the stuff I've been wearing in one picture :) 

Leather jacket:       Tally Weijl
Dotted shirt:           Zara
Trousers:                Zara
Necklace:               Topshop
Bracelets & rings:    I Am
Sun glasses:           Michael Kors 
Bag:                       Topshop
Hat:                        Accessorize
Shoes:                    Esprit 

(All the pictures are mine and the brands are mentioned above - credits to the designers)  

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