Introducing Me

by - 12:08

Hi lovelies, 

As I see, you’ve found me. Me and my pretty, little world. This first blog post is supposed to give me the opportunity to introduce myself to you and should also give you a small hint on what this is all about, or, at least, going to be about. 

I’m just going to start off with my name, I guess. My parents were one of those kinds of people, who wanted to give their children a special name, something unique, even though I am not quite sure what reasons they had to actually name me like they did in the end. Anyway. 

I am Simone, but a lovely person I’d never want to miss in my life once had the glorious idea that she wanted to invent a nickname for me and what came out is what you see on top of that page… Momo. 

So, here I am. Momo, 19 years old, exploring the world I call my environment. Actually, I’m a university student in the second semester, studying English Language and Literature and having the pleasure to also study music, one of my biggest passions in the entire world. 
I am not joking, I’ve been playing the guitar for 10 years now and if you ever get to met me and don’t catch me humming along to some song or find me in a corner with my guitar on my lap, than, and that’s a fact, there’s something seriously wrong with me. 

To be honest I am not one of those people who get themselves so focussed on their studying that there’s absolutely no room for anything else anymore. I am enjoying life way too much to worry about stuff I can’t control and I always say, we’re not forever young (uuuh yeah I referred to a song there, did you notice? :D) and we should enjoy every single minute we have as long as we’re young and able to do stuff we’ll most likely be too afraid of doing when we’re older. 

My heart’s basically a traveller, always trying to find new places to go and new things to experience because that’s the only way how you can actually learn who you really are, the way how to find your true self. 

Besides the music I have this slight obsession with everything concerning fashion. If everything works out how I want it to, and I’m one of those people who REALLY chase their dreams if they want them to happen, I want to work as a journalist one day, either in fashion or music genre. 
That would be amazing. 

And that’s also one of the reasons I launched that blog. I wanted to create a platform, where I could show people how I see the world, where I could give people creative input in finding their own personal style and where I could give small but helpful tips in beauty and fashion related questions. 

I think, fashion is something so wonderful. People often think it’s about following trends and always being up-to-date but, to be honest, that’s not what fashion is really about, absolutely not. 

Fashion is about showing who you are, what your opinion is and what you think of life. Fashion is a bit of a mirror of your soul. The way you dress is how you want the world to see you. There are so many different kinds of fashion and I think you can’t say that something’s not fashionable just because it’s not your style. It might be someone else’s style… And just because we don’t understand or like it, doesn’t mean it’s wrong. 

Fashion is a way to express yourself, it’s like a songwriter who writes a song about his life, he expresses his deepest thoughts and feelings and that’s basically what fashion does too. It’s like a statement, on a really personal level and noone has the right to judge someone for wearing certain things because it may be perfectly fine for them. 

You don’t need much money to be fashionable, you just need a small hint of creativity and imagination and you’re absolutely fine.
Fashion’s not about the money, that’s just what society wants to make us believe. Fashion is about how much passion and love you put into it and how much you care. 
The small things are important, it makes the whole outfit special. It’s like every person’s character, the little things make a person to who they are. 
Everyone’s unique, and so is everyone’s style.

I just recognised that I completely drifted off explaining my opinion about fashion to you, sorry for that. I guess I wanted to show you a bit of myself and let you know what thoughts I have on my second passion. 

What else could I tell you about me…? I am 5’4 feet tall, have a little sister, I am a Cancer, which basically means my birthday’s in June, I love reading and am totally into some certain TV-series. 
I live in a flat with two other girls, who are slightly older than me and are at university too and I definitely always have not enough room in my wardrobe. 

I always tell my mum, the first thing I’m going to afford as soon as I start working is an own flat with a walk-in-wardrobe. No regrets on that. 

So, to come to an end for today. This blog will basically be me talking about fashion and people who inspire me fashion-wise, you’ll find beauty and make up tips on here and maybe also some useful things just to make teenage life easier, as I know how hard it is to be our age. But isn’t self experience the best experience? Not sure about that sometimes to be honest… but does life care? Not really :P 
So let’s make the best out of it I’d say, and if the sun doesn’t shine one day, we just have to be our environment’s sunshines :) 

I am still not sure about how often I will blog, depends on how busy university life is, but you can probably count on me once a week I guess. 
If you have any questions about me, the blog or are just generally curious about something, don’t you dare hesitate to ask. 

See you the next time. 
Loads of love,
MoMo .xx

Oh, and if you wondered what I look like, that’s me. Hi! 

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