Each society is shaped by people.
People with beliefs, dreams, visions and good (and bad) intentions.
But what if people have created a society that has entirely shifted
away from something generations have been trying to work towards
eagerly? We're living in a world in which standing up for equality
amongst all living creatures and the rise of women has become an
omnipresent goal of those supporting these ideas and has created
communities taking all their chances. But does working for something
including such a positive message mean to cross boundaries which
shouldn't be crossed and does it have to involve using methods of
conflict that entirely defeat the purpose of an idea that is supposed
to spread positivity, raise awareness and display the power of the
individual in a non-violent way – because verbal violence is as
destructive as causing someone physical harm.
Women are strong, independent, smart
and full of enlightening, impressive ideas and positivity – and so
are all the other groups of people who are seemingly forgotten. The
ones trying to make their voices heard shouldn't have to level down
to those trying to make them fail, because no one should have to
lower their pride by forgetting who they are just to make those who
are simple-minded understand. Our society preaches about strong words
such as feminism and equality and wants to make women finally get the
respect they deserve, but our dignity, our pride and our wisdom
shouldn't get lost along the way. Simply because it would be the
exact opposite of what this world is aiming for. The negative energy
within a community is more toxic than attacks from the ones opposed
to new ideas because a comnmunity poisoning itself is very likely to
lose a fight. A movement that is supposed to stand strong and tall
and make use of their knowledge and visions keeps weakening itself by
their members attacking one another over irrelevant, small,
individual differences in life-choices, battling each other verbally,
forgetting that they are all part of the same team. Differences are
natural, they define who we are as people but as a community one
should work together as one. For a common goal, for equality, respect
and acknowledgement in a world still defined and led by men. As a
sister society.
Shirt: H&M; Jeans: H&M, Glasses: Quay Australia, Hat: ASOS, Shoes: River Island
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